Baithul ‘ilm - a learning game for children

Game divisions: senior, junior and children (All includes both boys and girls – separate group for both)

Senior students = scholars (A, B, C, D, …)

Junior students = Daae’

Children = Taalibul ilm

  1. All students must have a note book and pen/pencil
  2. Scholars of Aqeedah, Fiqh, Quran, Hadeeth, Arabic, Akhlaaq, Tajweed, Seerah
  3. Name groups according to respective fields
  4. Each group consists of 1 or 2 scholars, two daae’s and 5-6 taalibul ilm
  5. Topics of Discussion are given to each group
  6. 45 minutes are allotted to learn the topic for scholars ( Scholars are pre-selected students) , also the scholars are provided with answers of all questions. They need to learn only those questions. Make discussions with daaee’s.
  7. Daee’ from each group explains their core topic in 3-5 minutes
  8. Then readymade questions with varying topics are distributed among various groups of taalibul ‘ilms. They need to arrange topics into Aqeedah, fiqh, quran, hadeeth, seerah,…
  9. Then these arranged questions need to be asked by respective scholars and find answers or clear doubts.
  10. All students are permitted to ask questions depending on selection from an interesting basket and ball game.

    a. Ques (1) should be asked by student of class 1
    b. Ques (2) should be asked by student of class 2
    c. Ques (3) should be asked by student of class 3
    d. Ques (4) should be asked by student of class 4
  11. Performance of scholars and Daaee’ s are evaluated by committee and that of Taalibul ‘ilm’s are based on ‘Group wise competition’. Same questions discussed in ‘Baithul ‘ilm ‘ shall only be asked in competition.  This acts as a criteria for grading.
  12. Prizes for good scholars, Daaee’s, and for Taalibul ilm’s.

Prophets and persons mentioned in Holy Quran
Family of prophet (pbuh)

Divide topics into 3 parts
Round 1: Competition of 1st part
Round 2: Competition of 2nd part
Round 3: Competition of 3rd part

  1. Game 1: Stars of Arabic. see model (malayalam)
  2. Game 2: A4 Da’wa materials
  3. Game 3: Share knowledge
  4. Gam3 4: Quiz – Two levels

What I need to use 

All reference books in your masjid
o   Fathul bari 
o   riyaluswaaliheen,...
·        Saheeh muslim translation,...
·        Elders