- Students are grouped.
- Illustration to be filled by respective groups are provided with some hints and preferred reference books.
- They can refer for answers in provided reference books.
- Time is limited to 1 hour for collection and filling of Data, some collect data, other decorates chart,etc...
- Groups can opt any type of graphical method to illustrate the provided question.
- The work which is accurate to the question and the ability of groups to beautify chart is noted.
- Words seeking help from Allah Almighty - Bismi or other prayers
- Correctness of all answers
- Beauty of chart
- Addition of facts
Expected results:
- Students get familiarized with various reference books and how to use them
- Inspiration for further studies on their question
- General awareness
- Aesthetic and creative skills get developed
- Attraction to knowledge of Quran and sunnah
- Sharing of this new way of arrangement to friends and family.
- Easy grasping- principle of illustration.